Events & Conferences

Sempro Newsletter – July 2020

''The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact everywhere. It also opens up new possibilities. Autonomous production at the back-end attracts more interest. Sempro is encouraged to also support customers with new developments and we look forward to preparing our...

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Sempro at PCIM Europe – digitally 7-8 July 2020

NUREMBERG - PCIM Europe 2020 Nuremberg cancelled – digital alternative planned! This year's international exhibition and conference for power electronics and its applications will instead offer the community for power electronics a digital alternative to ensure...

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10/01/2020, Voorsprong door permanente ontwikkeling

NIJMEGEN -  Sempro Technologies is een snelle groeier in de semiconductor industrie. Het bedrijf is specialist op het gebied van trim, form en singulation. Met een hecht team van enthousiaste technici timmert Sempro duchtig aan de weg.Ewald Peters startte Sempro in...

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Semicon China postponed

IMPORTANT NOTE on Semicon China 2020:As you are aware, the Chinese government has implemented strict measures in the prevention and control of the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), escalating it to the highest priority with an intent to...

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03/04/2019, Semicon China

Sempro Technologies was present on SEMICON China 2019. We were glad to be in a such place for talents to gather and innovate together. We appreciate your trust. Thank you for choosing our solutions and tools. See you next year on SEMICON China 2020 in...

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22/08/2018, Sempro met Mr. Lao

Sempro Technologies met Mr. Lao from CSIA and Xiamen municipal peoples government. The “National Guideline for Development of the IC Industry,” designed to accelerate China’s efforts in 14nm finFETs, advanced packaging and memory, was published in 2014. Later China...

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20/08/2018, Semicon China

Sempro Technologies was present at the fair in China. Keep an eye on our website to see where Sempro Technologies is present next time.

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10/08/2017, Cooperation Mems Nanopolis

As a part of our PIB BASE CHINA project, we hosted an incoming mission of people of Xiamen Semiconductor Investment group. Our visitors were welcomed by Trymax, Boschman, Sempro, Oost NV and CeNergy Consulting. Xiamen Semiconductor Investment Group is a...

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Semicon Japan
Semicon Japan
Semicon Japan
Semicon Japan
Semicon Japan



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