03/04/2019, Semicon China

Semicon China Sempro Technologies was present on SEMICON China 2019. We were glad to be in a such place for talents to gather and innovate together. We appreciate your trust. Thank you for choosing our solutions and tools. See you next year on SEMICON China 2020 in...

22/08/2018, Sempro met Mr. Lao

Sempro met Mr. Lao Sempro Technologies met Mr. Lao from CSIA and Xiamen municipal peoples government. The “National Guideline for Development of the IC Industry,” designed to accelerate China’s efforts in 14nm finFETs, advanced packaging and memory, was published in...

20/08/2018, Semicon China

Semicon China Sempro Technologies was present at the fair in China. Keep an eye on our website to see where Sempro Technologies is present next...

10/08/2017, Cooperation Mems Nanopolis

Cooperation Mems Nanopolis As a part of our PIB BASE CHINA project, we hosted an incoming mission of people of Xiamen Semiconductor Investment group. Our visitors were welcomed by Trymax, Boschman, Sempro, Oost NV and CeNergy Consulting. Xiamen Semiconductor...



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