Sempro Newsletter – July 2020

Sempro updates - July 2020 ”The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact everywhere. It also opens up new possibilities. Autonomous production at the back-end attracts more interest. Sempro is encouraged to also support customers with new developments and we look...

Sempro at PCIM Europe – digitally 7-8 July 2020

PCIM Europe to take place digitally on 7-8 July 2020 NUREMBERG – PCIM Europe 2020 Nuremberg cancelled – digital alternative planned! This year’s international exhibition and conference for power electronics and its applications will instead offer the...

10/01/2020, Voorsprong door permanente ontwikkeling

Het Ondernemersbelang: ''Voorsprong door permanente ontwikkeling'' NIJMEGEN –  Sempro Technologies is een snelle groeier in de semiconductor industrie. Het bedrijf is specialist op het gebied van trim, form en singulation. Met een hecht team van enthousiaste...

Semicon China postponed

Semicon China IMPORTANT NOTE on Semicon China 2020:As you are aware, the Chinese government has implemented strict measures in the prevention and control of the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), escalating it to the highest priority with an intent to...

05/01/2020 New Year Wishes

New Year Wishes 2020 Dear Relation,Year 2020 is the year of the rat – a very enthusiastic and curious animal. The year to the rat is the first year of a new cycle and is characterized with change and new opportunities. We are excited to take part in this year of...